TITANIC K2 Capsule contains Withania somnifera, Terminalia Arjuna, Asparagus Adscendens, Crocus sativus, Abhrak Bhasma, sidh makasidh makardhwaj bhasmardhwaj bhasma, Pyrethrum radix and Swarna bhasma as active ingredients present. It restores the lost vitality in the body with no adverse effects. It is a blend of various herbs which enhances the power of sex.
Titanic K2 Capsule is a power booster capsule for men. It is used to increase stamina, strength, and vigor in the body. It cures erectile dysfunction problem in males. It also cures early discharge problem in men. Patients suffering from tuberculosis and high blood pressure are advised not to take this medication.
Directions of use:
It is advised to take Titanic K2 Capsule once in a day. The patient should consult the medical practitioner before using it. It is always better to inform the doctor about previous medications or allergies to the patients.
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